
Assessment Instruments

EAG constantly evaluates the marketplace for the most effective psychometric assessment instruments for use in employee selection and development.  EAG partners are trained to understand how to evaluate instruments for specific uses.  EAG has established certification status with a dozen leading test publishers, gaining access to over 100 discreet assessment reports.

Support Products

In addition to holding licensure relationships with a variety of test publishers, EAG also offers a strong portfolio of assessment support products including facilitation kits, books, technical manuals, and certification courses.

Assessment Audits

Are your assessments doing what you intended them to do?  If you currently do not incorporate assessments into your employee selection and development programs, where should you start in your evaluation process?  EAG partners assist organizations in evaluating the efficacy of existing assessment instruments, as well as guiding new users of assessments in choosing the right instruments for their intended purpose.


EAG partners, along with a network of master facilitators, work with clients to conceptualize, develop, and deliver high impact workshops and learning interventions built around targeted assessment instruments.

Train the Trainer

Prefer to leverage internal resources for content facilitation?  EAG partners work with clients to train internal trainers to deliver high value workshops and learning interventions.


EAG has an inventory of proven survey instruments on a variety of topics including customer satisfaction, employee engagement, and market research.  Additionally, EAG partners work closely with clients to develop custom survey instruments to gather important information for organizational decision-making.

Q Methodology

EAG partners are pioneering the use of Q Sort methodologies in information gathering and statistical analysis.  Q Methodology (Q) is a complete methodology which involves technique (sorting), method (factor analysis), philosophy, ontology, and epistemology.  Q reveals and describes divergent views in a group as well as consensus. Q was created by William Stephenson (1902-1989) who possessed PhDs in physics (1926) and psychology (1929) and studied psychometrics with Charles Spearman, the creator of factor analysis.  EAG partners are pioneering the use of Q Methodology in information gathering and statistical analysis related to human resource development.