
Pearman Personality Integrator™ Workplace Report Copy


The Pearman Personality Integrator® (Pearman™) weaves together Carl G. Jung’s work on psychological types with Dr. Roger Pearman’s insights and expertise to create an assessment that provides an intuitive understanding of an individual’s personality and his/her ability to function effectively across various domains. The Pearman can be used with individuals, with organizations, and in applied settings to improve awareness, performance, and functioning.

The Workplace Lens is suited to individuals using the Pearman as part of a workplace initiative. It provides interpretive text throughout the report that is focused on the impact of personality and FlexIndex skills in terms of job and life success. For example, the Workplace Lens provides an explanation of how a preference for Extraverted Thinking may be displayed on the job and how it could affect individual effectiveness, teamwork with colleagues, decision-making, and interpersonal relationships.

Click here to download a free sample PDF. Pearman Personality Integrator™ Workplace Report